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Talkey is the perfect solution for individuals and small businesses who want to protect their personal and sensitive data. It allows you to encrypt files and folders on the drive as well as in online storage, also permanently delete data from your device. You can also use Talkey to send encrypted emails (including attachments) and use many other smart features for 5 EUR monthly.

Features of the Talkey app

Encrypted virtual drive

Creating a virtual drive that will automatically encrypt all data that you paced on it. The drive can be created both on your own device and in the cloud (Google Drive, iCloud…), where you can share data with other Talkey users.

Securely delete files and folders

Using this function, files and folders will be permanently deleted without the possibility of their recovery, even with special tools.

E-mails in a secure form

The sent e-mail (including attachments) looks like a collection of illogical characters and can only be read by the recipient who owns a unique key to decrypt it.

Encryption and decryption of files and folders

This feature allows you to encrypt and decrypt files or entire folders directly on your computer.

Advanced communication features

  • Disable replies and forward encrypted email
  • Destruction of the sent e-mail on the recipient’s side
  • Setting the time period for decrypting e-mail
  • Setting the number of times the email can be opened
  • Automatic email destruction after x seconds

Possibility of higher security using a special token

The user can choose how to store the decryption keys. The first option is to save it on the computer disk (software mode), higher security can be achieved by using an external token.

Try Talkey for 30 days for free

Try all the features and options. If you are satisfied with Talkey, you can buy it for 5 EUR monthly. This price allows you to use Talkey without restrictions and in the full version, including support and updates.

The implemented algorithms are consistent with the Czech National Cyber and Information Security Agency (NÚKIB) recommendations, Talkey is verifed by National Security Authority (NBÚ).

  • double encryption – symmetric and asymmetric
  • symmetric algorithms AES 256 GCM
  • asymmetric algorithms ECDH 384
  • hash algorithms SHA-384

We will secure your data and communication

Keep your data and emails safe.
