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Talkey Server

Companies can use Talkey to secure corporate data and communication using Talkey Server. In this solution, you will find all Talkey functions, in addition, you can centrally manage users and their permissions, back up data and connect to the existing Active Directory.

Talkey Server Features

Talkey Server includes all features of the Talkey application, additionally you get:

Central user management

Administration and licensing of individual Talkey Server users.

Setting user permissions

Setting the enable/disable od individual functions in teh client application part.

Active Directory connection

Ability to import user accounts and e-mail addresses from Active Directory.

Release management support

Managing and setting up the Talkey deployment and release process.

Hierarchy settings according to organizational structure

Creating and managing organizational structure, including permissions to access encrypted e-mail within the organization using settings in Talkey Server.

Central backup and key management

Allows you to set up backups and procedures for restoring or generating keys and their eventual destruction.

Contact us for more information

The implemented algorithms are consistent with the Czech National Cyber and Information Security Agency (NÚKIB) recommendations, Talkey is verifed by National Security Authority (NBÚ).

  • double encryption – symmetric and asymmetric
  • symmetric algorithms AES 256 GCM
  • asymmetric algorithms ECDH 384
  • hash algorithms SHA-384

We will secure your data and communication

Keep your data and emails safe.
